I have extensive experience in software development. I have worked for a number of R&D companies and universities in the U.S. and Serbia (former Yugoslavia). I have developed various types of software ranging from low level assembly language software to high level applications on the Internet as well as software for mobile phones.
Today everybody is working on social networks for brainwashing of human race but I am trying to be useful since people need to eat before they tweet. As the CEO/CTO and founder, I am having fun by running Food and Agriculture Cloud Technology - FACT, Ltd. - a high-tech company whose principals jointly combine a unique skill set and proven track record in the areas of agriculture, ICT, and business development necessary to tap into multi-disciplinary niche market of ICT support of EU food and agriculture safety protocols. The Company is developing a revolutionary disruptive FIWARE-based integrated solution that will apply IoT, Big Data Analytics, and Cloud computing in agriculture on multiple levels such as acquisition of vast amount of agricultural data, precision agriculture, food production traceability, improved crop production at a lower cost and expedited administrative procedures for crop/soil certification and end-to-end processing of food safety and agricultural protocols defined by EPPO, EUPHRESCO, and other relevant EU bodies.
In a fierce competition between 269 European companies, FACT was awarded development fund under the funding framework of the European Commission and Future Internet Ware - FIWARE and FRACTALS - Future Internet Enabled Agricultural Application - FP7 Project No. 632874.
In addition, I am playing with mathematical analysis of how plant pests spread and development of optimal defense strategies. This includes spread of pine wilt disease that threatens to devastate European forestry.
My earlier work includes development of the first Serbian Internet Payment Gateway (IPG) for processing e-commerce transactions made with the national DinaCard card. The gateway was certified by the National Bank of Serbia (NBS). I also made contributions to the formal specifications of operating rules for e-commerce transaction processing made by the NBS. Prior to that, I have developed the first Yugoslav system for real-time processing of Internet payments (E-Bank) and the first e-commerce application in Yugoslavia (Mobtel). While the world waisted time on now virtually abandoned SET protocol for e-commerce transactions, I hhad a version of the protocol that was similar to what is now known as 3-domain secure protocol. I have also developed software per Visa 3D Secure specifications (IPG, MPI, ACS).
I have also published more than 30 theoretical and technical papers at professional conferences as well as in professional journals and edited books. These papers cover areas like routing in computer networks, communication protocols, operational research, queueing theory, software development, cellular networks, and most recently mathematical analysis of how plant pests spread. I am also holding a US patent on multi-dimensional resource scheduling that was the result of the satellite transmission scheduler I developed for Orion 1 satellite.
Because everybody deserves a chance, I am also doing some philanthropic work related to people with disabilities. I believe that constitutional and legal protection of people with disabilities embedded in laws worldwide like "Americans With Disabilities Act" is nothing but a hoax. I am serving as the Vice President of board of Foundation of National Paralympic Committee of Serbia whose goal is to insure sustained funding of Serbian athletes with disabilities. Also, I had pleasure to serve as an advisor of web developers during the redesign of web site of KBC Bezanijska Kosa Medical Center which is one of the first Serbian web sites adjusted for the blind, as well as redesign of International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) web site. I do hope that one day people with dissabilities will not need hard heads like mine to go through concrete walls made by the cruel human society.
In order to survive everyday's stress, I love to steam-off while doing tough work-out in the gym.
Food and Agriculture Cloud Technology - FACT, Ltd.
Method and System for Multi-Dimensional Resource Scheduling, my U.S. Patent 5,978,363
Referencing statistics of my professional publications on the Microsoft Research web site
GTE Laboratories performance recognition award for SS7 Network Engineering Tool (SS7NET) project I lead
Diskobolos Award in the finance category granted by the JISA Union of IT Societies for my Virtual Point Of Sale (POS) Terminal software
A few words about computers, software, Internet, and all that jazz
My better half, Jasmina who makes my Sun shine
My family photo album
Short everyday's and not-so-everyday's stories I wrote in Serbian
Home page of my classmates, Mathematical High School in Belgrade, class of 1981 - the best bunch of guys and gals one can have as friends forever
My appearance in media
My work-out in the gym
I am a Vice President of Foundation of National Paralympic Committee of Serbia
I served as a consultant during redesign of web site of KBC Bezanijska Kosa Medical Center which is one of the first Serbian web sites adjusted for the blind people
I also served as a consultant during redesign of web site of International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA)
My article with quick tips about design for web accessibility